We bring passion, know-how and money to a wide range of industries in the Central European region, in both established and high-potential growth businesses.
We create and uncover value by identifying great companies, projects and ideas and enhancing their performance with patient capital, operating support and mentorship to strong management teams.
Through unlocking their growth potential, we deliver excellent results to both businesses and investors.
Be Stronger with Us
To meet or exceed the dream of their founders, most businesses at some stage need help. That help can be money, operating experience, techniques for growing into new markets, pricing, negotiations, capital structures, the list is long. As a leader within a high-potential business, be stronger with us. We have the resources, techniques and support you need, let’s talk.
Venture capital
You had the great idea. It floats. You have got your first customers. Now you need funding, operational know-how and seasoned experience to reach the next level. When we become your venture capital partner, we deliver exactly that.
We have a great range and depth of in-house experience supplemented by a wide associate network of skilled specialists. The result is a strategic consulting capability including capital structure optimisation, operational financing, pricing, cash flow management, tax, accounting and legal.
Asset Management
If you have patient capital seeking a good return, talk to us. Savvy investors have seen that our ability to identify and grow companies can create great returns on their investment, with a carefully managed approach to risk.

You have a meaningful project or business that already generates some income. To get to the next level you need help.
We have the experience of growing businesses like yours. We have the network of contacts and associates. We mentor you to get you over the inevitable bumps in the road. And of course we have the deep operational know-how that enables faster growth.
We offer these on a consulting basis or as an active investor. Either way, we become your trusted partner, helping your business to reach the next level.
We help businesses of all types. We have particular expertise and interest in new products, services and technologies within IT, digital, agro-tech and real-estate.
Finding and developing the high-potential businesses of tomorrow takes experience, passion and money. We bring all those components to the businesses we work with.
Investing with us, we take your money to undiscovered business opportunities. We walk the talk and we will be investing alongside you.
Our passion and experience ensures your money – and ours – is well used, creating thriving businesses and excellent returns.
If your plans include investing in high-potential businesses, we should talk.
Let's Get
in Touch
In case of general enquiries feel free to use the contact methods below. If you are an entrepreneur seeking a business partner, we would prefer that you use this page.
Hellichova 458/1
118 00 Praha 1 – Malá Strana
Czech Republic